Keep a poem in your pocket               留一首詩在你的口袋
       And a picture in your head                  和一幅畫在你的腦中
       And you’ll never feel lonely                 你將不感到寂寞
       At night when you’re in bed.                在夜晚獨眠的床上

       The little poem will sing to you            小小的詩會對你歌唱
       The little picture bring to you               小小的畫帶來美夢
        A dozen dreams to dance to you        它們起舞翩翩  
       At night when you’re in bed.                 在你夜晚獨眠的床上
       So - -                                                     所以

       Keep a picture in your pocket               留一幅畫在你的口袋
       And a poem in your head                      和一首詩在腦中
       And you’ll never feel lonely                   你將永不寂寞
       At night when you’re in bed.                  在夜晚獨眠的床上
       Who scatters snowflakes ? Who melts the ice ?
       Who spoils the weather ? Who makes it nice ?
       Who grows the four-leaf clovers in June ?
       Who dims the daylight ? Who lights the moon ?

       Four little field mice who live in the sky.
       Four little field mice ... like you and I.

       One is the Springmouse who turns on the showers.
       Then comes the Summer who paints in the flowers.
       The Fallmouse is next with walnuts and wheat.
       And Winter is last...with little cold feet.

       Aren't we lucky the seasons are four ?
       Think of a year with one less...or one more!


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